Creating leaders who understand and manage themselves first and who have integrity, heart and a desire to support the positive development of the company’s most valuable resource – people is vital if organisations and the people within them are to thrive.  This requires leaders and managers to demonstrate positive core values, to walk their talk and to expect their teams to do the same.   It requires strength of character, determination, compassion and empathy to lead people through times of challenge and change. 
Too many leaders and managers are feeling overwhelmed and out of their depth and as a result have become even less effective. This has a significantly detrimental impact on them, their teams and departments which has a knock-on impact on stress and anxiety levels, productivity and profitability.
The Genuinely You – Enlightened Leadership Course offers a very different approach to the development of leadership and management.  The impact of the majority of Leadership and Management courses is often limited and / or short lived.  One of the biggest challenges for any leadership and management programme is to create the confidence and the personal insights to support lasting change within the leader themselves.
Leading or managing others effectively requires the person involved to look to themselves.  To be a great leader means being able to own and take responsibility for the quality of their thinking, for their own emotional state, to provide a great role model and to model the approach, attitude and behaviours they want from others.
All too often Leadership and Management courses are a tick box exercise or fail to support the long-term growth and development of the participants because they are short and focus only on a range of techniques which act like a sticking plaster being put on a wound.
Stress and mental ill health are at an all-time high, leaders and workers are under huge pressure to deliver seemingly impossible goals, boundaries between work and personal life have been eroded by long hours, technology and the demands of working on an International stage.  Something has to change!!
The Enlightened Leader Programme has been designed to be very different in a number of ways.
The Genuinely You Enlightened Leaders Programme combines the opportunity for personal and spiritual growth with the opportunity to learn and develop the craft of leading others with integrity, compassion, courage and heart.
It is a 10 month supported programme, so changes and developments are given the opportunity to embed and become established.
All participants will work closely with their designated Leadership Facilitators throughout the programme.  They provide support and challenge both personally and professionally, they will hold participants to account and give focussed feedback.
Research has shown that where there are significant benefits created by having good quality leadership and management - where people feel valued and communication is both two way and effective.
The Enlightened Leadership Programme has been designed  to facilitate the personal development of participants and offer the opportunity for participants to embed their learning in a practical way within the workplace.
Every participant will identify a long term project to be undertaken during the programme.  This must have a significant emphasis on leading and managing people within their workplace.  
By the end of the programme participants will have had the opportunity to develop greater confidence and competence as leaders.  The last unit of the programme focuses on identifying how the participants will take things forward in a positive way
  • Cost of the Programme: £10,000
  • Affiliate fee = 10% of the initial fee + 10% of any further purchases via Genuinely You Ltd
  • See Terms and Conditions for payment schedule.


Feeling confident with a great sense of self-worth is vital if people are to find their purpose and live a life of true fulfilment.  It’s an outcome which feels totally out of reach for many successful women business owners, entrepreneurs and executives. 
Even at the height of their success, many women don’t feel good enough. They’re much harder on themselves than they are on others and they consistently put other people’s priorities at the top of their list.  As a result, they are left chasing their tail, trying hard to be superwoman but beneath it all, they feel they are falling short (worthless, isolated, frustrated, overwhelmed, fearful of being found out).
The “Its All About You 1:1 Coaching Programme helps women transform their lives by stepping into their genuine authentic power. It enables them to do it effectively and efficiently
The “All About You” Programme uses the unique “Thriving Not Surviving Process”.
Gina has developed the process over the last thirty five years working with countless people helping them to develop personally and spiritually. Working with Gina on a 1:1 basis turbo charges the results clients achieve, helping them achieve the outcomes they desire more quickly.  Clients are supported in a non-judgemental way throughout the process. 
Gina help’s clients create clarity about what the real issues are, recognise their habitual behaviours and their impact and to plan an effective way forward.  She helps clients to deal with past challenges allowing them the opportunity to enjoy their present and enables them to look forward to a future with enthusiasm.
Getting great results enable clients to step into their ultimate power, helping them to know that the quality of their life is absolutely their choice. Doing so will help them feel more confident personally and professionally, facilitating a life of purpose and fulfilment.
Helping people who want to get the very best out of life, who are ready to take action using the unique ‘Thriving Not Surviving’ strategies and the experienced 1:1 support ensures that life will become more rewarding and clients will achieve greater confidence, success, happiness and fulfilment in both their personal and professional life quickly and efficiently.
  • Cost of the 3-Month Programme: £6,000
  • Cost of the 6-Month Programme: £8,000 
You will receive $500 30 days after they’ve signed up for either the 3-month or 6-month programmes and then, for the 6-month programme, another $500 if your referral completes the first 90 days of the programme (so, again, the potential to earn $1000 in total!)


The Thrive Together Tribe is an on-line membership group offering a place where members will:
  • be nurtured, challenged and supported
  • find lots of great ideas, strategies and inspiration 
  • have regular on line group coaching sessions with great content and interactive group coaching
  • be heard and supported by like-minded people
Life can be tough.  It is all too easy for people to focus on all the negative as there is so much division and separation all around us.  We have decided now is the time to create new movement designed to nurture and support people who want to get the very best out of life.
The Thrive Together Tribe brings people together, to focus on the positive and what we can do rather than what we can’t. It is for those keen to feel confident and take charge of the quality of their life and would be prepared to help others do the same. It will be a place to explore emotions and to deepen each person’s spiritual awareness.
The Genuinely-You Thrive Together Tribe isn’t a course, it’s a journey, a place where people can access great, information and proven strategies designed to help them feel confident, empowered and well-resourced to better manage the challenges their life inevitably brings. The Membership Group is designed to be a safe place where members can feel seen and heard. Somewhere to feel truly valued in a completely non-judgemental environment.
It is designed to support members achieve:
  • A consistently great sense of self worth
  • Lasting loving relationships with themselves and others
  • Ongoing personal and professional success
  • Their living their true purpose
  • A happy successful and fulfilling life
  • A fulfilling and abundant life
The Thrive Together Tribe has been created for people who want to belong to something which recognises them as individuals.  A safe place where members will be valued for the amazing people they are when they are being genuinely, authentically their best selves.
It offers a forum to raise questions and issues and be offered support, advice and challenge, and a platform to celebrate wins and successes.  A place to belong.
Membership Offers:
  • The Thriving Not Surviving Programme - An ongoing structured learning programme to support holistic personal development, offering underpinning principles and tried and tested strategies which are easy to integrate into busy lives.
  • Twice monthly on-line presentations with interactive group coaching
  • Visiting speakers
  • A dedicated Face Book Group where members can share goals, progress, difficulties they are facing and celebrate their successes.  Gina and the Thriving Together Tribe Team will offer ideas, support, challenge, witness and accountability. Members will be encouraged to raise questions and suggest themes they would like covered. Thriving Together Tribe Members will be encouraged to support their tribe members.  The more they engage the greater the impact.
  • Access to a wealth of supporting resources which support physical, emotional and spiritual growth

The Thriving Not Surviving Programme

In broad terms the programme facilitates the participants journey to consistent happiness, personal and professional success, purpose and fulfilment. On a weekly basis participants have access to videos, activity books, written resources and a themed Journal.
Research has shown that lasting transformation is far more successful when there is someone there to help you: witnessing your intentions, providing the right sort of help and support, holding you accountable and celebrating your successes with you.  We know the strategies within the programme work incredibly well when used consistently.  The Thrive Together Tribe will help maintain focus, helping participants achieve their goals. They will be able to tap into the ongoing support that belonging to our tribe offers through the interactive sessions, the ongoing discussion forum, and access to the ever-growing resource bank of information and advice. 
Being part of our tribe means people will have supporters who believe in the power of them, even when they are struggling to believe it themselves. It’s a powerful mix, with a proven track record.
  • Cost of On-Line Membership $47 per month
  • Affiliate fee $17 per month for the lifetime of the membership
Affiliate Payment Schedule 
  • See Terms and Conditions