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Today's Genuine Chat is about RESPECT. The great Aretha Franklin sang; "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me", well we're going to chat about what it means to us and how important being respectful oneself and expecting levels of respectful behaviour from others is in order to achieve a good sense of happiness and wellbeing. What do you think? What kind of disrespectful behaviour might you have experienced recently? What respectful boundaries do you think are important? Join in the chat and we'll help you find greater happiness with how you treat others and how they treat you.

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I had such a lovely chat with the wonderful Vicky on her #LetsGoKickAss #Podcast. We talked about my journey through disability and how passionate we both feel about having resilience and positive thinking in order to achieve one's goals and live a happy and fulfilling life. You can listen to the interview here - and Vicky's other guests are super interesting too!

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I've just recorded a brilliant podcast with the powerfully brilliant Global Baddass Goddess. It was a lively discussion covering my pathway to being within my Genuine Power - how I work at having a full life to a wheelchair and how I face down the challenges that having to learn to walk two times as an adult involves - mentally physically and emotionally. My 20 year experience as a primary school, head teacher has given me the belief that the quality of life is determined by the quality of your thoughts. It was a joy to speak to Glenda. You can listen to the full podcast at this address...

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Today's Genuine Chat is inspired by the week-long "Faith in the World" programme that is running on the BBC at the moment. The general theme of the week is to celebrate being single. This is a growing demographic feature of our society, with 40% of the population in the UK ticking this box and reporting a sense of greater happiness and abundance because of it. This topic is of particular interest to me, as a long-term singleton I have a perspective on this subject that perhaps many of you watching and listening to this chat might not have. There are many reasons for being single in life - many of them transitional phases - and if you are genuinely happier when living life on your own then that is definitely something worth celebrating. But, many, if not most, of my clients - and I believe it is true of people at large - express a deeply held instinct to find a partner who can share their lives with them. So we're going to have a chat about this - and I would love to know what is your view on this?

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This week in the UK the BBC is running a week-long 'Faith in the World Week' programme looking into the reality of “Being Single”. Launched last Sunday, this is a week of celebrating what it means to be single with programmes and features across a number of BBC platforms, mostly on their Radio 2 station. I am single and have been for a long time – so this feature caught my attention. It is not often that the media at large looks at this aspect of society. If you, like me, are single then you are part of an increasing demographic. More people are living as singles in the UK – it’s about 40% of the population and is increasing in every age group (according to the Office of National Statistics and YouGov).

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This is an interesting topic I think - I think these emotional states are highly prevalent and when you're in the squall of them, they can be very difficult to get out of. I often have "rashes" of doubt overcome me - don't you? Is there a person on the planet who has lived entirely doubt free? I doubt it! Then we come to delusion! Which I think is almost the blindly optimistic 'twin' to doubt. Quite often it will take an external viewpoint to help us out of these two states - a new perspective on the troubles (doubt) or the dreams (delusions) we are caught up in. So here's my perspective on the matter - I hope it gives you some food for thought about what your doubting in your life, or what you might be blindly optimistic about.

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Seeking the perfect relationship with others is often about learning to have the right relationship with ourselves. In this blog I share some insights into how the way we have learned to view the world affects the way we view ourselves, and consequently the way we perceive others! Towards the end is a quick quiz – a self-audit to help you understand your perceptions. This is the first step to maximising your potential for happier, healthier personal and professional relationships! Your relationship with you…

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I had such a lovely chat about how to live a happier life - you know, one where you feel like you're thriving and capable - with David Brower on his brilliant podcast. This is the link to the recording which is being broadcast NOW!

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Catch Gina Gardiner on YOUR 20 MINUTE PODCAST with DAVID BROWER on July 1st 2019

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Genuine Chat with Gina - are people doing the best they can? Are you doing the best you can? For today's chat I am taking inspiration from a discussion that I saw between the great Brene Brown and Russell Brand. They were discussing if, on the whole, they respectively held the belief that, on the whole, people are doing the best that they are capable of. This got me thinking about what it means to stand in judgement of another person, of how to live with healthy emotional and behavioral boundaries, and how to find greater compassion for my fellow human beings. In short it got me thinking if *I* am doing the best I can - so I decided to have a chat about it with my good friend and author, Rachel Davidson.

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